
Heart failure is the leading cause of human death in theworld, and current surgery delay progressive diseases, but not permanent solution for clinical approaches. New investigating strategy for regenerative medicine will be that transplanting stem cell/iPS cell based cardiac cells will accelerate clinical applications. Therefore, the significant research is to know the molecular mechanisms for specification of individual cardiac cell fate, and to identify the molecules inducing individual cell fate. Here we show that the factors modifying chromatin structures affect region-specific gene activation/ repression during cardiogenesis or heart maintenance synergistically with cardiac transcription factors. One of chromatin modifier, time-limiting Baf60c acts as a master regulator for switching non-cardiac cell fate to ventricular or atria cardiomyocytes cell lineages. Furthermore combination between Baf complexes and cardiac transcription factors regulate pace-maker cell differentiation, suggesting that expression of cellspecific chromatin remodeling factors with their protein partners are necessary for cell-type specification. In this session, we would like to propose time-limiting function of these chromatin remodelers is necessary for individual cardiac cell specification, maturation for keeping the healthy heart.

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