
Discussions of race in the Theosophy of Helena P. Blavatsky and her followers sometimes evinces suggestions of racism. Any consideration of the topic, however, must be prefaced by defining whose Theosophy is being examined. Theosophy, as it is generally discussed by Theosophists, actually was introduced to the public by A. P. Sinnett's Esoteric Buddhism (1883), which in turn was based upon the letters of the Mahatmas or Masters Koot Hoomi and Morya to Sinnett. The doctrine of the root races and their various subdivisions is part of Theosophical teachings, but the primary source is Blavatsky's The Secret Doctrine (1888). This article argues that race in Theosophy is understood as not being limited to physical characteristics; rather, the Theosophical discussion of race encompasses both physical and spiritual evolution. Race as interpreted in The Secret Doctrine is not racist in intent, and the races are seen as having one thing in common, the divine spark that ultimately makes all races the same in essence.

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