
The concept of “power” seems to be one of the basic and most attractive but also one of the most difficult to define in contemporary sociology. In this essay it will be concentrated on quite distinct from traditional perspective notion of power, presented by the theories of Bourdieu’s, Foucault’s and Baudrillard’s, what will give possibility also to follow the emergence of post-modern discourse on power. There are a number of distinctive (or even contradictory) perspectives of power, mostly rooted in the Weber’s and/or Marx’s theories. Among these new theories it is possible to indicate one more radical critique, which puts accent on the more or less invisible (indirect and symbolic) character of power, and thus unites such different theories as Bourdieu’s, Foucault’s and Baudrillard’s.
 The main incitement for this approach was the need to look at power from perspective different than the juridical-political theory of sovereign power and an analysis of the state and to consider the material techniques of power that are not compatible with relations of sovereignty. Thus here the main question emerges: how does a social system in which a substantial section of the population is obviously disadvantaged and exploited survive without its rulers having to depend on physical coercion for the maintenance of order?


  • The issues of power and knowledge have occupied a central position within sociological analysis

  • From work of Weber the exercise of power and domination has been conceptualised within sociology as a constitutive feature of social life

  • The concept of “power” seems to be one of the basic and most attractive and one of the most difficult to define in contemporary sociology

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Ingrida Geèienë

The Notion of Power in the Theories of Bourdieu, Foucault and Baudrillard (Galios sàvoka Bourdieu, Foucault ir Baudrillardo teorijose). Lyginant su tradicinëmis teorijomis Bourdieu, Foucault ir Baudrillardo teorijø galios mikroanalizës áþvalgos yra þymiai pranaðesnës. Nors ðiose teorijose viena ið pamatiniø prielaidø yra ta, kad galia yra iðsklaidyta visuomenëje, o ne sutelkta tik vienoje ið jos daliø, galios suvokimas yra ganëtinai skirtingas. Jei Bourdieu teigia, kad galià galima turëti ir analizuoja jos iðteklius, tai Foucault yra ásitikinæs, kad galia nëra individø ar grupiø nuosavybë ir tiria galios funkcionavimo veiksnius. Tuo tarpu Baudrillard tvirtina, kad galia yra taip iðsklaidyta, kad nebëra prasmës kalbëti apie jos ðaltinius ir raiðkà, deklaruodamas “tikrosios” galios mirtá. Þinojimas yra simbolinis tam tikros pasaulio vizijos diegimas; pasak Foucault, þinojimas yra galia apibûdinti kitus ir kurti diskursus, tuo tarpu Baudrillardo nuomone, þinojimas yra tiesiog vaizdiniø reprodukcija ir simuliacijos prieþastis. Tokia poþiûriø ávairovë ypaè svarbi mûsø laikø nesinchroniðkos (Ernsto Blocho vartojamos sàvokos poþiûriu) socialinës aplinkos sàlygomis, nes mes gyvename ið karto keliuose pasauliuose ir susiduriame su skirtingomis galios apraiðkomis

Barry Smart
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