
КYBALNA Nelia – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Fire Tactics and Rescue Operations Department, Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety named after Chornobyl Heroes of National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine, Onoprienko str., 8, Cherkassy, 18034, Ukraine ( nkybalna@gmail.com ) ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1253-2798 ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/G-9075-2018 DOI: https://doi.org/10.24919/2313-2094.7/39.140932 To cite this article: Kybalna, N. (2018). Definitsiia «upravlinska diialnist» u konteksti optymizatsii profesiinoi pidhotovky nachalnykiv karauliv pozhezhno-riatuvalnykh pidrozdiliv [The notion «management activity» in the context of optimization of professional training of firefighting commanders of fire rescue units]. Liudynoznavchi studii. Seriia «Pedahohika» – Human Studies. Series of «Pedagogy», 7/39, 104‒115. doi: 10.24919/2313-2094.7/39.140932 [in Ukrainian]. Article history Received: 6 May 2018 Received in revised form: 27 June 2018 Accepted: 10 July 2018 Available online: 12 September 2018 Abstract. This article presents the results of the analysis of scientific literature on modern research approaches to the definition of «management activity», the essence of the concept of «management activity of firefighting commanders of fire and rescue units». It is substantiated that the managerial activity of firefighting commanders of fire and rescue units represents an organized, metрodical and systematic activity in the social and technical system, connected with the purposeful realization of the invariant system of management functions, which reflects the essence and characteristics of the operation of the fire and rescue units, in order to ensure their sustainable functioning in everyday life, extreme conditions of activity and in conditions of uncertainty. It was stated that the peculiarities of the managerial activity of the chiefs of the fireguards and rescue units are: the exceptional state and social significance of the tasks of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations and their consequences; multifaceted complex character of management activity; unconditional need to achieve the results of managerial tasks; sharp changes in the situation at the work zone, danger to the life and health of personnel and people, significant intensity of loads, the need for timely and qualitative resolution of professional tasks in the extreme conditions and in conditions of uncertainty; a high level of collective, personal moral, administrative and criminal responsibility for the safety of personnel and people’s lives, for the results of activities; a high level of requirements to the personal qualities of firefighting commanders and their correspondence to the goals, tasks and functions of professional activity. The main task of the managerial activity of firefighting commanders was to ensure the full utilization of the potential capabilities of the forces and means of civil protection aimed at the successful implementation of the tasks related to carrying out emergency and rescue works on the prevention and elimination of emergencies and the extinguishing of fires. In the structure of the managerial activity of firefighting commanders, we distinguish the system of managerial functions: analytical, evaluation, organizational, managerial, coordination and control. Acknowledgments. The author would like to thank Professor Osadchenko Inna for her insightful comments regarding the manuscript. Funding. The author received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

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