
Any natural or legal person has a heritage, i.e. a set of rights and obligations that are assessable in money or in other words, with economic value. The rights, obligations and goods to which they refer may be considered individually or as a legal universality belonging to a person. The goods are, without any doubt, the basis of the social wealth of any country and any society. The economic relations are mostly the relations about certain goods. Once they have acquired a legal form, they do not change their content, keeping the same object - goods. Therefore, the correct reflection of the place and role of goods in social relations is essential for the efficient management of the country's economy.According to the unanimous opinion of the legislator, theorists and practitioners, goods are one of the main objects of civil law. Thus, this article represents a synthesis that analyzes the notion of goods, as well as their classification and importance in the new regulation of the Republic of Moldova’s Civil Code. This research is also important due to the fact that the new changes are related to some categories of new goods, but also the completion of the existing ones, which were not found in the previous rules, but which were introduced due to the development of new social relations and new categories of goods that have appeared in our society.


  • Any natural or legal person has a heritage, i.e. a set of rights and obligations that are assessable in money or in other words, with economic value

  • The rights, obligations and goods to which they refer may be considered individually or as a legal universality belonging to a person

  • The correct reflection of the place and role of goods in social relations is essential for the efficient management of the country's economy.According to the unanimous opinion of the legislator, theorists and practitioners, goods are one of the main objects of civil law

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În funcţie de natura bunurilor şi calificarea dată de lege, distingem:bunuri mobile și bunuri imobile

Bunurile care aparţin statului sau unităţilor administrativ-teritoriale fac parte din domeniul privat dacă, prin lege sau în modul stabilit de lege, nu sunt trecute în domeniul public[5, art. Bunurile domeniului privat al statului şi al unităţilor administrativ-teritoriale sunt alienabile, sesizabile și prescriptibile și pot fi obiectul oricărui act juridic civil conform procedurilor stabilite, cu excepţia unor categorii de bunuri al căror circuit civil este limitat în mod expres prin lege [30, art. (1) a Legii privind delimitarea proprietăţii publice stabileşte că „bunurile domeniului privat al statului şi al unităţilor administrativ-teritoriale sunt alienabile, sesizabile și prescriptibile și pot fi obiectul oricărui act juridic civil conform procedurilor stabilite, cu excepţia unor categorii de bunuri al căror circuit civil este limitat în mod expres prin lege” Art. 6 alin. (1) a Legii privind delimitarea proprietăţii publice stabileşte că „bunurile domeniului privat al statului şi al unităţilor administrativ-teritoriale sunt alienabile, sesizabile și prescriptibile și pot fi obiectul oricărui act juridic civil conform procedurilor stabilite, cu excepţia unor categorii de bunuri al căror circuit civil este limitat în mod expres prin lege”

Universalitatea de fapt
4.11. Conținutul digital și bunul digital Reforma
4.12. După modul lor de percepere, bunurile pot fi corporale și necorporale
4.13. Bunurile culturale mobile
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