
The thymic microenvironment constitutes a unique cell environment composed of thymic epithelial cells, myoid cells, and bone marrow-derived accessory cells for the differentiation, maturation and selection of T lymphocytes. The histological feature of thymus is markedly dependent on the age of individual and on various negative stimuli. Our study group consisted of fourteen newborns whose thymuses were removed during surgery performed for various congenital heart defects. We used a palette of seven monoclonal antibodies for exact localization of different cells creating the thymic microenvironment (cytokeratin AE1/AE3, desmin, actin, S100 protein, CD68, CD20, and CD45RO) as well as three monoclonal antibodies against proteins regulating the process of apoptosis (bcl2 oncoprotein, p53 protein, and survivin). We described and microphotographically illustrated the localization of thymic cytokeratin AE1/AE3-positive epithelial cells (subcapsular part of the cortex and medulla, especially Hassall's corpuscles), dendritic cells (medulla, often inside the Hassall's corpuscles), thymic myoid cells (medulla, often in close contact with Hassall's corpuscles), macrophages (mostly cortex, but also medulla and inside the Hassall's corpuscles), B lymphocytes (thymic medulla) and CD45RO-positive T lymphocytes (mostly thymic cortex). We found p53-positive thymic epithelial cell nuclei in subcapsular part of cortex and in outer epithelial cell layer of Hassall's corpuscles (very similar to the basal layer of epidermis). Bcl2 positive lymphocytes were mostly localized in thymic medulla, especially nearby Hassall's corpuscles. The thymuses were mostly survivin-negative with exception of round cells in border between cortex and connective tissue septa (probably migrating progenitor cells) (Tab. 1, Fig. 14, Ref. 66).

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