
Contents: Introduction: Small change: the consumerist designs of the 19th-century child, Dennis Denisoff. Part 1 Play Things: Toys and Theater: Experiments before breakfast: toys, education, and middle-class childhood, Teresa Michals Paper dreams and romantic projections: the 19th-century toy theater, boyhood, and aesthetic play, Liz Farr The drama of precocity: child performers on the Victorian stage, Marah Gubar. Part 2 Consuming Desires: 'I'm not a bit expensive': Henry James and the sexualization of the Victorian girl, MichAle Mendelssohn For-getting to eat: Alice's mouthing metonymy, Carol Mavor Salome's lost childhood: Wilde's daughter of Sodom, jugendstil culture, and the queer afterlife of a decadent myth, Richard A. Kaye. Part 3 Adulthood and Nationhood: Adult children's literature in Victorian Britain, Claudia Nelson Home Thoughts and Home Scenes: packaging middle-class childhood for Christmas consumption, Lorraine Janzen Kooistra Maps, pirates and treasure: the commodification of imperialism in 19th-century boys' adventure fiction, Ymitri Mathison. Part 4 Children and the Terrors of Cultural Consumption: Toys and terror: Lucy Clifford's Anyhow Stories, Patricia Demers 'We have orphans [...] in stock': crime and the consumption of sensational children, Tamara S. Wagner 'And now Tom being killed, and all spent and eaten': children, consumption, and commerce in 19th-century child-protection discourse, Monica Flegel Index.

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