
THE moon is full on January 2d. 15h. 42m. U.T. and new on January 16d. 21h. 32m. Lunar conjunctions with the planets occur on the following dates: Mercury on January 18d. 5h., Mercury 4°S.; Venus on January 18d. 13h., Venus 2° N.; Mars on January 24d. 8h., Mars 5° N.; Saturn on January 25d. 17h., Saturn 3° N.; Jupiter on January 27d. 10h., Jupiter 5° KT. On January 2 id. Ih. Mercury is in. conjunction with Venus, Mercury being 6.2° S. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are well placed for observation during the night, and Saturn's ring system is well presented for observation. Venus can be seen in the evening hours in the west and does not set until 19h. in the middle of the month. The earth makes its closest approach to the sun on January 2. The Quadrantid meteor shower is active on the first few days of January: the radiant is at R.A. 5h. 24m., Dec. 51° N., but this shower is not usually very conspicuous. On January 26d. 22h. 17m. there will be an occultation of y Tauri, mag. 3-9. During the month the interval from sunsetto sunrise in the latitude of London shortens by 1h. 12m.

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