
Introduction The town of Sudbury, a creation of the Canadian Pacific railway, is situated in the backwoods of Ontario, thirty-six miles north of the mouth of French river, on Lake Huron. Parts of the surrounding country are tolerably level, but in a general way this region may be said to be hilly. Some section9s are very broken and rugged, while in others rocky ridges alternate with swamps or alluvial intervals. Occasional tracts of land are fit for cultivation, but, as a rule, where the surface does not consist of rock or swamp it is much encumbered with bowlders. At one time the district supported large quantities of white-pine timber, but forest fires at different periods have destroyed the greater part of it and inferior kinds of wood are now growing up in its place. Rock maple, red oak, black birch and other hard woods form considerable groves in some sections. . . .

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