
The greatest excitement prevailed in Melbourne when it became known that burglars were not content with stealing valuables, but had also taken to stealing invalids. The country had been startled by the reports of the depredations of a bushranging gang. All the North Eastern district was under a reign of terror, caused by a band of desperadoes of armed women. headed by one Kate Keely as she was called, though by her companions she was invariably spoken of as Dare Devil Dolly. A prettily arranged white cravat encased the neck, while the white riding pants, tight fitting, finished up in a pair of dainty, toy-looking, riding boots. A small black hat, conical shaped, tilted on to the back of the head, her black curly hair peeping out over her forehead from under the rim of her hat, and again hanging in the most admired disorder loosely down her back.

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