
Linnaeus established the genus Cynometra in 1741 (Act. Soc. Upsal. 79) and included it in the first edition of Species Plantarum (p. 382. 1753), describing two species from India: C. cauliflora and C. ramiflora. Vogel described the first New World species: C. americana in 1836 (in Linnaea 10:602). In 1840 Bentham (Jour. Bot. 2:74) established the tribes Cynometreae and Amherstieae, including three species of Cynometra from tropical America: C. bauhiniaefolia, C. marginata, and C. crassifolia; his subsequent treatment of the genus in Martius Flora Brasiliensis (1876) is classical. The well-known Cynometra spruceana was described therein. Four years before Bentham's initial work, Tulasne described two species from French Guiana: C. hostmanniana and C. parvifolia (Arch. Mus. Nat. Paris 4:181. 1844). With the exception of C. cubensis described by de la Sagra (Hist. Cub. 10:233. 1845), all the remaining New World species appeared after 1895. Recently Leonard (1951) presented an excellent history of the African species. In this same paper he made an important contribution to the taxonomy of the African cynometras when he distributed some 60 species, classically assigned to the genus, among 11 genera. Those species with the stipe of the pistil free in the receptacle-cup were placed in Cynometra in limited sense and in Gilletiodendron.

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