
Mineralogical and chemical studies of Dar al Gani 983 show that this meteorite is a eucrite. Its texture is that of an impact breccia. It contains cumulate pyroxene and feldspar megacrysts, a variety of recrystallized melt clasts, clasts of subophitic basalt, and mesostasis. These components are embedded in a matrix of fragmental pyroxene and plagioclase. In addition, the entire rock is penetrated by glassy melt veins and patches, and displays features of strong shock. The mineralogical and chemical evidence obtained for DaG 983 indicates that this meteorite experienced a complex evolutionary history. The presence of cumulate silicate crystals implies substantial, large scale cratering events on the HED asteroid. As a result of these impacts, rocks from different intrusive bodies to extrusive surface layers were laterally and vertically transported to form a thoroughly mixed megaregolith. DaG 983 represents a sample of this megabreccia.

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