
The media channel's audience was determined by the circulation or the coverage of radio and TV stations. The digital age has changed these milestones. The news reaches readers mainly through digital platforms, and media institutions are no longer broadcasters but content generators. We will analyze how specific technical parameters influence the audience. Some technical parameters affect the spread of information more than its quality. Some algorithms decide the spread of the news, and those are secret due to commercial laws. The algorithms that determine what information will be viral are the property of the companies operating the digital platforms that are ruling at this moment information industry. They seek profit, and the rules of the algorithms are profit-oriented. We will try to see what parameters are essential and how they influence the spreading of the news. We will take a closer look at the metrics of the most influential newspaper in Romania and the UK to find a relation between some technical facts and the news audience. The central fact analyzed in this research is the backlinks connecting a specific website to the worldwide web. This parameter remains one of the most crucial factors that influence the spreading of an article's news and newspaper audience.

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