
THE museums of Great Britain are bestirring themselves, or, if that be putting it too strongly, at any rate many men of action and foresight are bestirring themselves concerning the museums. There is a museum feeling in the air. But in the midst of the reports and commissions, addresses and discussions which express this activity, the plain man may be excused if he fails to see that criticisms, suggestions, and counter-suggestions all point to a broad but tolerably well-defined road by which the museums of the British Isles must endeavour to make their way. The new road is the focus of many independent paths along which progressive museums have been feeling their way in recent years, often in face of difficulties, and scarcely realising that they were taking part in one of the great educational movements of the times. Though the reports have scarcely emphasised the magnitude of the change, it means a radical recasting of the museum idea and the adoption of a fresh museum outlook.

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