
Although Plato introduced the word θεολογία in die Republic, where he wanted to set up certain philosophical standards and criteria for poetry, and Aristotle developed it further in his writings to indicate a special complex of problems and a particular intellectual attitude, prominent traces of theological thought can be found amongst the presocratic philosophers. One of them is Heraclitus.It could be said that Plato systematises Heraclitus' thoughts on the relationship between Аνθρωτος. θεóς and Аóγος when he refers to theology (θεο-λóγος). This is to be distinguished from what could be called θεο-σοϕóς, man's thoughts (often imposed) concerning God prevalent in modern and contemporary theology. Regardless to say, this distinction only holds as far as the boundaries of man's abstract thought is concerned.In this paper, a study will be undertaken of the unsystematised theology of Heraclitus, as can be deduced from selected fragments, although they were used by secondary sources such as commentators. to exemplify their own efforts.The hypothesis that will be tested is that σοϕóς is used in a human context and Λóϕος in a theotic context. This will hopefully substantiate the primary Heraclitian philosophy of opposites, the accompanying Theory of Being and the generative nature of the primal stuff, fire.

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