
Cyrus.Tata@strath.ac.uk n.hutton@strath.ac.uk In June 1999 over 120 delegates from 22 different countries ? academics, senior judges, prosecutors, pol icy officials, prison governors, directors of social and welfare services, and a range of others serious about sentencing ?converged at Strathclyde University in Glasgow, Scotland. The International Conference on Sentencing & Society marked the inauguration of the new Centre for Sentencing Research at Strathclyde. Although launched by the International Confer ence, the new Strathclyde Centre builds on a track record of research into sentencing dating back to the early 1990s. Among the Centre's previous and on-going empirical research projects have been a study of the sentencing patterns of individual sentencers in three different courts; a research and development project to build a Sentencing Information System, now being used by Scotland's High Court and Appeal Court judici ary; and a cross-jurisdictional study of sentencing in Europe. The Centre is also currently working on other projects, including the production of sentencing infor mation for public use, and an ethnographic study of presentence report-writing by probation officers. During the International Conference a group of scholars, practitioners, and policy-makers met to dis cuss how sentencing & society research can be pro moted across national boundaries. As a result, the Centre has initiated The International Network for the Study of Sentencing and Society (insss). With the aim of promoting sentencing & society research, of dissemi nating knowledge and exchanging practical experience, the insss is open to scholars and researchers, judges and other practitioners, policy-makers, officials and oth ers who take sentencing seriously. As a first step, the insss is running a Website to disseminate current research, communicate news and events, and facilitate contact and exchange across the globe. Of course the fledgling insss cannot develop with out resourcing. Currently, the Centre for Sentencing Research is investing in the start-up costs but it hopes to secure sponsorship. For the time being membership is free. If you would like to join, simply visit the website or contact us. However, resourcing is not simply about financial support. We want the insss to be a place of active discussion and support. Already publishing papers from the International Conference, the insss invites you to submit research papers on which you are working. While an International Advisory Team will ensure a basic level of academic quality control, the insss allows those concerned with sentencing to pub lish works-in-progress. Authors, who retain copyright, can enjoy the benefit of comments from interested readers at an early stage. In addition, we welcome short pieces for the 'Sentencing News' section on the state of sentencing reform in your jurisdiction. Finally, insss will provide a guide of the latest events, such as confer ences and seminars, that are being planned worldwide.

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