
This special issue in the IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification (JRFID) was born as an initiative of the IEEE Council Of Radio Frequency Identification (CRFID) Technical Committee on &#x201C;Motion Capture and Localization&#x201D; (TC-MoCap) (<uri>https://mocap.ieee-rfid.org/</uri>). The latter (<xref rid="fig1" ref-type="fig">Fig. 1</xref>) was established in Spring 2021 to promote activities and research in the field of RFID-based localization, ultra-precise Radio-Frequency (RF) positioning, and related fields. This initiative began with a highly successful workshop at IEEE RFID 2020 Conference (<uri>https://2020.ieee-rfid.org/workshop-on-wireless-mocap/</uri>). Since then, other workshop editions have followed each other at the IEEE RFID 2021 Conference (<uri>https://2021.ieee-rfid.org/workshop-on-wireless-motion-capture-and-fine-scale-localization/</uri>), IEEE RFID-TA 2021 Conference (<uri>https://2021.ieee-rfid-ta.org/social-event/</uri>), IEEE WiSEE 2021 Conference (<uri>https://attend.ieee.org/wisee-2021/program/workshops/</uri>) and are currently scheduled for the 2022 editions of the IEEE CRFID flagship conferences.

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