
Introduction. The task of Russia as an aggressor country during a large-scale war is to destroy the statehood of Ukraine, which is accompanied by the genocide of the population due to the destruction of critical life support infrastructure, in particular, facilities for generating electricity and transmitting it to consumers. As of the end of 2022, as a result of massive missile attacks, more than 50% of energy capacities have been destroyed, which in turn leads to long-term emergency power outages for household consumers and businesses. Such significant damage was caused by the legacy of the USSR model of centralized generation at several nuclear, thermal and hydroelectric power stations. Ukraine's signing of the Association Agreement with the EU provided for the reform of the energy sector, but centralization and monopolization did not allow the planned implementation, in particular, the formation of an electricity market with transparent exchange pricing mechanisms for this resource. The purpose. Based on the analysis of foreign experience, develop recommendations for the formation of a new energy model of post-war Ukraine. Methods. In the process of research, methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization and comparison, benchmarking was used to find the best foreign practices. It was revealed that the processes of distribution of electricity generation have been taking place on the energy market of EU countries for a long time, which increases the number of participants and contributes to the formation of exchange mechanisms for transparent pricing of this resource. The results. It has been proven that the restoration of the existing centralized generation will not solve the issue of energy security of the country in the future. It is proposed to include the formation of a new energy model based on the decentralization (distribution) of generation based on new environmentally friendly technologies and the electricity exchange market as part of Ukraine's post-war reconstruction strategies.

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