
This paper considers how impact assessment practice relating to all aspects of the water environment will be affected by the transposition of the amended environmental impact assessment (EIA) Directive (2014/52/EU) into UK legislation. Key elements of the new Directive are identified, such as requirements relating to monitoring, climate change (including adaptation), biodiversity, human health and coordination with Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) (WFD) Assessment. The extent to which existing guidance and practice already meet these new requirements is assessed, through a review of relevant guidance and selected environmental statements (ESs). Key areas where water impact assessment (WIA) practice needs to be adapted to take account of the new requirements are identified. Substantial changes in practice are likely to be required to incorporate human health assessment into WIA and to demonstrate that competent experts are used to conduct WIA. New guidance will be needed relating to competent experts and improved guidance will be required for WFD Assessment.

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