
Neurovascular coupling (NVC) is the link between neuronal metabolic activity and regional cerebral blood flow. NVC is responsible for ensuring adequate delivery of nutrients (O2 and glucose) during periods of increased neuronal metabolic demand. Exposure to high‐altitude (HA) elicits ventilatory and acid‐base adjustments for maintaining blood pH. Acute exposure to HA causes hypoxic vasodilation. Hypoxia also drives a ventilatory response, inducing hypocapnia, a potent vasoconstrictor. Whether these dynamic and conflicting responses affect NVC during incremental ascent to HA is unclear.The aim of this project was to assess whether changes in arterial blood gases (ABGs) associated with ascent to HA influences the NVC response. Given that CBF is particularly sensitive to changes in PaCO2, we hypothesized that hypocapnic vasoconstriction during ascent would decrease the NVC response with ascent.10 healthy study participants (21.7±1.3 yrs, 70.46±13.65kg, mean±SD) were recruited as part of a research expedition to Everest base camp, Nepal. Resting posterior cerebral artery velocity (PCAv), ABGs (PaO2, PaCO2), SaO2, arterial blood pH and bicarbonate [HCO3−] were measured at four locations: Calgary (1045m; baseline; BL), Namche (3440m), Deboche (3820m) and Pheriche (4370m). Resting PCAv was measured using transcranial Doppler ultrasound. Arterial blood draws were taken from the radial artery and analysed using a portable blood gas/electrolyte analyser used to monitor changes in ABGs (PaCO2, PaO2, SaO2), pH and [HCO3−] during ascent. NVC was tested via visual stimulation (VS; Strobe light; 6Hz; 30sec on/off ×3). The NVC response was averaged across three VS trials at each location. NVC was quantified as the change (delta) in mean and peak PCAv from baseline, during VS.A one‐factor‐repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to assess for differences in baseline PCAv, NVC, ABGs, blood pH and [HCO3−] between locations. PaO2, PaCO2 and SaO2 were significantly decreased from BL at each altitude (P<0.001, P<0.016 and P<0.013, respectively). No significant differences were found for pH at any location compared to BL (P>0.05) due to reductions in arterial [HCO3−] (P<0.043). No significant differences were found in baseline PCAv between locations (P>0.05) or for mean or peak NVC responses (P>0.085 and P>0.08 respectively).As expected, incremental ascent to HA induced a state of hypoxic hypocapnia, as demonstrated by significant reductions in PaO2, SaO2 and PaCO2, whereas arterial pH was maintained via reductions in [HCO3−]. Our data suggests that NVC remains remarkably intact during incremental ascent to HA in healthy acclimatized individuals. Despite the array of superimposed stressors associated with ascent to HA, CBF and NVC regulation may be a unique function of arterial pH maintenance.This abstract is from the Experimental Biology 2018 Meeting. There is no full text article associated with this abstract published in The FASEB Journal.

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