
The neurosecretory cells of the supra- and suboesophageal ganglia of young, unmated, adult male midges, Chironomus riparius, have been examined by both light and electron microscopy. The 5 cell types recognized have been placed in three major categories on the basis of their ultrastructural characteristics:— α 1 cells, of which there are 8 in each medial neurosecretory cell (MNC) group and 3 in each group of ventral neurosecretory cells (VNC), contain electron-dense granules, 150 to 200 nm in diameter; α 2 cells containing irregular, electron-dense granules, 70 to 120 nm in diameter comprise the remaining 3 cells in each VNC group and the 2 or 3 cells in each outer neurosecretory cell (ONC) group; α 3 cells, of which there are 1 or 2 on each side of the midline in the ventral cortex of the sub-oesophageal ganglion (SNC 2), contain electron-lucent, spherical granules, 70 to 120 nm in diameter. The β cells contain spherical or ellipsoidal, electron-lucent granules, 80 to 100 nm in diameter, and make up the lateral neurosecretory cell (LNC) groups, each of three or four cells. The γ cells contain both spherical and flattened, electron-dense granules, 130 to 160 nm in diameter and 150 to 250 by 70 to 150 nm in size respectively, only 1 cell of this category being found in each half of the suboesophageal ganglion in the dorsal cortex (SNC 1). Axons from the MNC and VNC form the nervi corporis cardiaci I (NCCI) and those of the LNC and ONC, the nervi corporis cardiaci II (NCCII). Those of the SNC 1 appear to enter the wall of the stomodaeum but axons of the SNC 2 could not be traced.

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