
Selfie-related behaviors which are accepted as only one of the results of social media addiction are known as selfie uploading, capturing selfie, sharing selfie, selfie posting and selfie editing and it also affects our daily life in every aspect. Neuro-behavioral studies which indicated the relationship between the behavior or addiction of heavy selfie takers and sharing them on social media and self-objectification, narcissism, and psychopathology have caused this current problem a syndrome feature such as a “Selfitis behaviors scale”. Screenagers-teenagers group constitutes a special risk group in selfie-related injuries and deaths owing to their high dynamic properties with especially in countries such as India where the adolescent population is high. Dangerous neurobehavioral acts related with problematic smartphone usage and selfie-related injuries are primarily associated with temporary distraction and the lack of self-awareness. Every behavior associated with many brain regions and it interacts each other in selfie-related behaviors. Through a multitude of afferent and efferent connections, prefrontal area is in mutual relationship with the other areas of cortex cerebri, namely thalamus, hypothalamus, basal ganglia, limbic system and cerebellum. We evaluated that the effects on adolescents of selfie-related behaviors with neurocognitive and behavioral perspective in this study.

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