
The Neurobehavioral Rating Scale (NRS) has been used in the rapid bedside assessment of closed head-injured and stroke patients in the past and has been found to be highly predictive of long-term outlook. The NRS consists of 27 items in a Likert-type scale and measures cognition and behavioral parameters of brain disease. The NRS was administered to nine human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive individuals in a pilot interrater reliability study. Highly significant correlations (r .94 and r .97; p less than .001) were found between interviewers. Content and construct validity had already been established in prior research. To date, no quick, easy assessment tool measuring both cognitive and behavioral manifestations in this population has been widely used. Therefore, it becomes imperative that such a tool be available to nursing staff to aid in monitoring of neurologic deterioration, assist in appropriate placement of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) dementia complex patients and planning of care.

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