
Abstract The weevil genus Entimus Germar is a monophyletic taxon, recognized by a combination of the following characters: large size (12–45 mm); presence of green, blue, and gold iridescent scales; antennae reaching base of prothorax, with second funicular article scarcely longer than first; widened frontal groove; pronotum as wide as long, granulate; elytra triangularly shaped; tibiae not crenulated or dentate within; scutellum protruding; and aedeagal apex slightly acute. It includes seven species, which are endemic to the Neotropics, ranging from Mesoamerica to northeastern Argentina. A cladistic analysis was carried out using 16 characters from external morphology, body vestiture, and male genitalia. The analysis yielded four equally parsimonious cladograms, each with 33 steps, a consistency index of 0.60, and a retention index of 0.53. After successive weighting, a single cladogram resulted, with 105 steps, a consistency index of 0.89, and a retention index of 0.90. According to this cladogram, the ...

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