
Zionism is the name given to the movement which aims at the restoration of Jewish national life in Palestine. It is based upon the conviction that the Jews can best fulfil their destiny by reviving their corporate. life upon a national basis in their ancestral country, and that only by this means can they preserve Jewry from disintegration to which it is now exposed and secure its permanent development. Thus speaks Israel Cohen in a recent essay entitled Progress of Zionism, an official publication of the Zionist movement. And it is a true and clearcut statement of Zionist philosophy as well as of Zionist aims. While yet in the throes of the fear of being swept from her position of domination in the Near and MiddleEast, Britain made a too-good-to-be true promise to the Jews. Through one of her high-powered diplomats she promised Jews, through some of the more zealous of their leaders, that if they supported her in her life and death struggle with the Turks and Germans she would help them realize the dream of a National Home in Palestine. Incidentally this archmaker and breaker of promises also promised something thrillingly enticing to the Arabs. Through another of her clever diplomats she assured the Arabs the realization of the dream of an independent Arab state embracing all Arabic lands, provided of course that the Arabic peoples join with England and her allies in crushing the Turks and the Germans. Not knowing what the other had been promised, both Jews and Arabs took seriously England's promises regarding their future. Here in America Jewish political leaders together with the many shades of orthodox and sentimental Christians were instrumental in getting the United States government to enter into treaty relations with England to the end of furthering the Jewish National Home movement. Since the end of the War Palestine Jewish population has increased from fifty thousand to five hundred thousand. Hundreds of millions of dollars, collected from every corner of the earth, have literally been emptied into Jewish farms in that poor desert land. Colossal sums have likewise been poured into propaganda, private and public buildings, enterprises, and roads. In tragically few cases, however, have conditions improved at all for the Jews over what they were when the National Home was first given some sort of official reality. After more than twenty years of the most heroic effort, pioneers are being held at bay by the desert sands, despite the fact that they are internationally supported, and possess the best in Western skill and Western knowledge. Britain is still making conflicting promises. Today the Arabs beat in much more

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