
This article discusses the need for the introduction of electronic document circulation systems at enterprises of the military–industrial complex. In modern times, the flow of documents at the enterprises of the defense–industrial complex is becoming larger, and the processing of these documents takes a lot of time, which leads to a slowdown in the process of working with documents and, accordingly, creates problems in making managerial decisions. At the enterprises of the military–industrial complex, information is provided in the form of official documents and, depending on the speed of processing these documents, the prompt transmission of information and the provision of all types of work with documents depends. That is why the article reflects all the disadvantages of paper document management and all the advantages of electronic document management.The subject of the study is the main aspects of the introduction of an electronic document management system at enterprises of the military–industrial complex.Research methods. To write the article, general scientific methods were used, such as the method of information processing, analysis, deduction, graphical and tabular methods.The article proposes two methods for the introduction of electronic document management at enterprises of the military– industrial complex, which will solve the problems of the transition of enterprises from the old paper system to a new and innovative system. It is also determined that the transition to electronic document management will speed up the process of processing documents at enterprises of the military–industrial complex.

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