
The current stage of human development takes place in direct connection with the globalization processes. This requires a more in-depth study of the essence of the globalization process, a deep analysis of its positive and negative aspects, and the adaptation of domestic and foreign policies carried out in each country to it. In particular, educating young people in the spirit of patriotism and protecting them from the negative consequences of the globalization process are topical issues of domestic policy in each country. This study analyzes the forms of manifestation of the globalization process on the example of the Republic of Uzbekistan, its features, the ongoing work on Patriotic education of young people in the context of globalization, the need and conditions for protecting the youth of Uzbekistan from ideas that do not correspond to their national mentality. The analysis analyzed the work of foreign researchers in this direction. The study, based on the example of Uzbekistan in the context of globalization, presents suggestions and recommendations, scientifically based conclusions related to educating young people in the spirit of patriotism and not giving in to alien ideas.

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