
The authors raise important issues of normative-legal framework the current security environment, his role is actualized with spiritual and value considerations, formation of high levels legal psychology and legal ideology of citizens, from the construction of the corresponding concept national level, namely: “will”, “values”, “culture”, “security”. A significant role in these processes belongs to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (in particular the National Police of Ukraine, as the largest law enforcement agency of our country, when from police structures world and national levels, their effective (fruitful) work and providing services and quality service to its people, jointly, in interaction with citizens and state bodies success and stability will depend stability of order in the state (on it internal, invisible front), as well as achieving victories on the front lines in the difficult conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Issues of overcoming the negative are raised security environment through the prism of current ones’ criminogenic states, situations and circumstances; the international experience of effective ones is summarized law enforcement and defense practices and interactions. It is noted that most often in scientific articles are about the security environment in the field of economy, health care, education and culture. At the same time, it should be considered from the positions various interpretations (in particular interdisciplinary-scientometric) that will help to see the comprehensiveness of importance spheres of security in the most diverse spectrums preservation of human life and health, its normal existence and aspiration to high truths. Among the general directions that should be developed in Security environment concepts is offered cyber security and psychological (spiritual-value) security components (given that the sociological and psychological school Kharkiv region is one of the most powerful in Ukraine). It is emphasized that the processing of this problem requires a great effort of many searches and analysis in order to constantly conceptualize threats and challenges, which poses every lived day in conditions of unstable situations, new states of war, when the entire system of international security regarding building peace and stability blown up to the ground and humanity reached the extreme point of its boiling point, when exercises are conducted on the use of nuclear weapons.

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