
The world is now facing a novel pandemic caused by Covid-19, prompting countries, including Indonesia to take steps to contain gushing numbers of Covid-19 cases. The pillar of Indonesia’s response is enforcing a Large-Scale Social Restriction (LSSR) to minimize physical contacts in society, one of them through closing down schools and workplaces. Notary, as a member of society, is also obliged to maintain this social distancing policy and minimize meetings with clients physicaly. Such means is possible through Cyber Notary Concept, a concept where notaries do their jobs using various high technologies, including internet. Indonesian Regulation has mentioned this concept once in the Indoensian Notary Codes, but no further regulation follows to execute this concept. Author will be using the normative legal research method for this paper. This reasearch is aiming is to study the urgenciesof forming regulations regarding the practice of Cyber Notary to prop up the government in the attempt of surpressing the escalating numbers of those who are infected by the virus. Cyber Notary is one effective way to decrease physical contacts between notaries and their clients, because this kind of activities could be done with the technology of ellectronics, therefore following regulation is desperately needed.

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