
Ranked amongst the top five milk-producing countries globally, the Pakistan dairy industry can help to overcome food shortage and hunger, alleviate poverty and positively impact economic growth. This influencing role could potentially be more significant while the COVID-19 pandemic severely affects humanity, challenges the economy and increases the risk of global food shortage. However, its large national population of dairy livestock contrasts with Pakistan's top-five ranking, indeed, four to five Pakistani cows produce milk equivalent to one dairy cow of countries with a well-developed dairy industry. Low milk yield per cow negatively impacts the national production and compromises the development of an efficient processing sector, such that consumers are very often forced to use adulterated milk sold by local 'milkmen.' As a consequence, while committed to alleviating global hunger, Pakistan imports in excess of half a million tons of milk and milk-based products annually. Many studies have identified unproductive, inefficient and imprecise management issues combined with poor genetics and imbalanced nutrition as the leading barriers to improvement in the Pakistani dairy livestock sector. At an individual level, lack of awareness, affordability issues, illiteracy and low ambition of a large percentile of dairy farmers creates additional significant barriers. To address low productivity and poor genetics, Pakistani corporate farms and wealthier individual farmers import genetically improved breeds to attain high milk yields. However, they are then faced with the challenge of managing such breeds to attain sustainable and persistent milk yields under Pakistani climatic conditions, often risking excessive culling even to the point of business liquidation. In developed dairy industries, automated sensor-based livestock management systems are now available to help monitor, compute, and optimize procedures in real-time and are proven to increase productivity and profitability. The term precision livestock farming (PLF) is used to describe systems that monitor individual animals or groups of animals to overcome management deficiencies and optimize productivity. My stance in this Opinion Paper is that adopting and utilizing such precision technologies may support Pakistan in raising its livestock resources toward greater productivity, thereby helping to overcome the global food shortage.

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