
The Surgeon General's Report on Oral Health remains a baseline document for addressing the issues of oral health disparities in America. With the problems of access to care and quality of care, cultural differences, history of discrimination, and ongoing severity of poverty, today there are many disturbing disparities in oral health status between people of color and the majority population. While the number of people of color is increasing, the number being prepared to provide quality oral health care is declining. The nation, the dental profession, and dental schools have not made adequate progress in the effort to develop a workforce that can address the disparities in oral health problems based on race and ethnicity. The Office of the Surgeon General is developing a National Oral Health Action Plan to help address these problems, but the role of dental schools is critical. Building a pipeline that will bring diverse people to the dental workforce must be a high priority for all involved. A substantial improvement in the diversity of the oral health student body and eventual workforce is a critical and essential element to achieving the goals of improving oral health and quality of life and eliminating health disparities.

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