
ABSTRACT Typically, the agroecosystem is known as the basic unit of study of the agroecology. However, no consensus exists regarding its definition, which is reflected by the early state of agroecology as a science. This fact was illustrated after an exhaustive analytical review of the different agroecosystem definitions proposed and currently used in the literature. We reviewed 157 articles and other key scientific literature and found seven different concepts. It is necessary to advance in unification of the terminology to bridge the gaps among agroecology, agricultural sciences, and other disciplines that enable progress toward sustainable agriculture. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to propose a discussion about the need to have a semantic and operational concept of agroecosystem. Agroecosystem is a synthesis, product of the culture – nature interaction, it is regarded as a homogeneous natural unit, where an agrotechnological management system (AMS) is introduced according to farmer needs. Therefore, the agroecosystem is a holistic, irreducible, and particular basic unit of agroecology and the agricultural sciences, which integrates production processes and attributes for a sustainable agriculture.

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