
Muhyiddin ?bnü’l-Arabi (1165-1240) took his place on the stage of history as either a learner or a teacher until the end of his life; Although he has been the subject of research in terms of many disciplines, he has provided the introduction of the concept of “?nsan-? Kamil” to the literature and hs left a heavy impact to he Anatolian geography and the world of thought, but is a neglected thinker in terms of education. The main purpose of our article is to fill the gap that exists in this field to some extent; is to make a modest contribution to this field. He is among the lines in his works such as Futuhat-? Mekkiyye, Füsusu’l-Hikem, Tedbirat-? ?lahiyye, Mevakiu’n-Nücum, el-Künh Ma La Budde Li’l-Müridi Minh, and al- In his works such as Emru’l-Muhkem, he directly shared his thoughts on education and training with his readers; Although he did not include the concept of unity of body in his works, he based human freedom within this system. In this study, in the works of ?bnü’l-Arabi, the characteristics of creation and human will be discussed in relation to education and training; will be examined with the features it has and its ability to be free and will.

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