
Purpose: The research was done to analyse the nature of economic engagement between China and Liberia in the period 1977-1990.Methods: The study used descriptive research design. The study was carried out in Monrovia, the capital of Liberia. The study had a population of 100 personnel. The researcher organized three (3) focus group discussions of mainly ten to fifteen participants from three different institutions and a member of personalities was interviewed. Selected informants and focus group discussions were chosen based on their willingness to participate. The study used both purposive and snowball sampling techniques. Purposive sampling was used because the participants were considered by the researcher to be having relevant information about the study. The snowball sampling was used because the research topic involves researching sensitive information which may not be easily availed to the public. The informants were sampled from specific sections in the ministries, Chinese construction sites, and market places. Other informants were gotten from their referrals. The research instruments used in the study consisted of questionnaires, interview guides, and focused group discussion guide. The questionnaire was open-ended which allowed the adequate probing of information from the respondents. The collected data was coded and analyzed thematically. Secondary data was subjected to critical textual analysis and interpretation to test the relevance and accuracy of the document. Descriptive statistic such as percentages and frequencies were used to describe basic data, and other analyzed data was also reported in the narrative, coupled with the first-hand quotation from the primary data. Results: The findings indicated that trade volume between China and Liberia picked up in 1997. Trade between both countries from 1997-2003 to talled US$407.14 million with exports at US$269.9 million while imports at US$137.34 million. Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: The researcher recommended that it is necessary for the Liberian government to create a comprehensive strategy that would effectively balance its relations with China and the West. In addition, the Liberian government needs to unleash its full potential and establish a policy for long-term development that corresponds with the interests of its citizens

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