
"THE most destructive disease of the world‘s greatest food crop", is Dr. K. Starr Chester‘s valuation of Puccinia triticina, the orange leaf rust or brown rust of wheat. The reader who, misled by the short title "The Cereal Rusts", turns to this book for a comparative or systematic account of the cereal rusts will be disappointed. He will find instead a valuable monograph on the brown leaf rust of wheat, in which the author summarizes his own researches and gives a comprehensive review of the literature with a bibliography of nearly five hundred titles. In preparing the book the author has translated a number of the major Russian contributions and made them available to other workers by depositing copies in several North American libraries. The Nature and Prevention of Cereal Rusts as Exemplified in the Leaf Rust of Wheat By Dr. K. Starr Chester. (Annales Cryptogamici et Phytopathologici, Vol. 4.) Pp. xvi + 270. (Waltham, Mass.: Chronica Botanica Co.; London: Wm. Dawson and Sons, Ltd., 1946.) 5 dollars.

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