
In this article it was formulated the thesis on the existence of a natural hu­man right to security, and subsequently the analyse of the issue of the relation­ship between the natural human right to security and security as a constitutional human right. The primary objective of the research was to answer the question whether the natural human right to security influences the existence of security as a human right, guaranteed by positive law, in particular in constitutional law.
 The above analysis of the provisions of the Polish Constitution proved that the right to security as a constitutional human right was not expressly stated in any of these provisions. Certainly, the formulation of an explicit constitutional human right to security raises concerns about the scope of the citizen’s ability to enforce this right from the state, e.g. by means of a constitutional complaint.
 Regardless of the difficulties raised, it is worth interpreting the constitution­al human right to security from all the regulations of the Polish Constitution as a function of fundamental rights. In justified individual cases of violations, the constitutional human right to security may be derived from art. 30 of the Pol­ish Constitution, which stipulates that the inherent and inalienable dignity of man is the source of his rights and freedoms.

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