
MR. RATHBUN has done well to publish a full technical account of this building, which claims “to be greatly in advance of all other museum buildings intended for a similar purpose.” The three objects aimed at have been storage, usable exhibition space, and laboratory accommodation. The epithet “usable” is important, for in exhibition galleries dark corners and obtrusive architectural details are worse than useless. “Usable” also implies facility of accommodation to growing and changing needs. With this in view, the building has been planned as a great shell, with few permanent division walls; and, by giving exceptional width to the main mass, the floor area is large in proportion to the extent of outer wall. The plan, which covers nearly four acres, shows a large pavilion surmounted by a rotunda facing south, and from it three wings extending towards the east, west, and north; the latter are connected near their outer ends by two L-shaped ranges, completing the enclosure of two large uncovered courts.

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