
In Ukraine, there are qualitative changes in the reform of law enforcement agencies in order to more effectively ensure the rule of law in the country, protect human rights and freedoms and increase public confidence in these bodies. Undoubtedly, it is important to create a National Police, which plays an important role in the domestic law enforcement system. Since the first days of its operation, the police have received support from citizens, who argue with various sociological surveys, because this law enforcement agency is open enough in its activity, there is contact with the population. The article is devoted to the activity of a component of the domestic law enforcement system – the National Police. The National Police of Ukraine (police) is a central executive body that serves society by ensuring the protection of human rights and freedoms, combating crime, maintaining public safety and order. This topic is very relevant, as the police are a relatively new subject in the law enforcement system and are on their way. The scientific article investigates which regulatory acts regulate the activity of this law enforcement agency, the structure, main tasks of the police are found out on the basis of the current legislation. The structure of the National Police is quite complex and due to the shortcomings in the legislation, there are problems concerning the interaction between the units. The publication examines the procedure for appointing persons to the post of a police officer and identifies the main problems of selecting candidates to the ranks of the National Police. The importance of introducing in the Law of Ukraine “On National Police” the task of the police is emphasized – to provide within the limits specified by the law services for assistance to persons who, for personal, economic, social reasons or due to emergency situations, need such assistance. Some of the shortcomings of the Law of Ukraine “On the National Police” have been identified and suggestions for improvement of this legal action have been proposed. Keywords: law enforcement system, National Police of Ukraine, police tasks, police structure, police officer.

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