
The geographical review of those areas needs academic and scientific research. The national and geographical identity of the cutoff areas Kurdistan regions was an obscure issue in the relations between the Kurds and the Iraqi government in the stages of history. In fact, the region in terms of national and geographical identity faced many crises, and the efforts and attempts to distort the national, ethnic and geographical identity of that region were many and varied, including: ethnic cleansing, displacement and Arabization, and with all that they also tried from a cultural, linguistic and ideological perspective to obliterate the historical reality of that region and its Kurdistan. Therefore, in this research, I refer to the history of these areas in terms of the national identity of those areas, with a precise indication of the geographical borders of Southern Kurdistan, and a definition of the national, ethnic and religious minorities in it. The research consists of six axes: In it, the Kurdish regions located in the areas of Mosul, Kirkuk, Diyala and Wasit were precisely identified and defined. We also referred to scientific sources and academic research, and mentioned writers and travelers interested in Kurdish studies, official documents related to the region, and documents that confirm the truth and entitlement of nationalism, geography and national identity. and geography of that region. All of this is analyzed in this research.

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