
A new species and new host records are established for nasal mites of the genus Ptilonyssus from passeriform birds in Louisiana. Ptilonyssus corvi sp. n. is described from Corvus brachyrhynchos. New host records are Ptilonyssus tyrannus from Sayornis phoebe, Contopus virens, and Epidonax virescens, P. callinectoides from Myiarchus crinitus, P. pari from Parus carolinensis, P. hoseini from Vireo solitarius, P. pirangae from Parus bicolor, P. icteridius from Icterus galbula and Euphagus carolinus, P. morofskyi from Geothlypis trichas, Dendroica coronata, D. pinus, Seiurus motacilla, Melospiza georgiana, Pipilo erythrophthalmus, Ammospiza maritima, and Zonotrichia albicollis. In addition, P. vireonis and P. angrensis from Vireo olivaceus and Progne subis, respectively, are reported for the first time from Louisiana. The systematics and host relationships of these species are discussed. Studies on the nasal mites of Louisiana birds have revealed a new species, new host records, and new geographic records for the rhinonyssine genus Ptilonyssus. The present study is concerned with Ptilonyssus sensu lato, or those species which have two dorsal plates, the podosomal and opisthosomal, and chelicerae of uniform diameter or only slightly attenuated at the distal end. The materials and methods, including the designations and abbreviations used in the following descriptions, have been outlined previously (Pence, 1972). Genus Ptilonyssus Berlese and Trouessart Ptilonyssus Berlese and Trouessart, 1889, Bull. Biblioth. Sci. Ouest 2: 128. Synonymy (see Domrow, 1969, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 93: 333).

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