
LINERs exist in the nuclei of a large fraction of luminous galaxies, but their connection with the AGN phenomenon has remained elusive. We present Hubble Space Telescope narrowband [O III]5007 and H-alpha+[N II] emission-line images of the central regions of 14 galaxies with LINER nuclei. The compact, ~1 arcsec-scale, unresolved emission that dominates the line flux in ground-based observations is mostly resolved by HST. The bulk of this emission comes from regions with sizes of tens to hundreds of parsecs that are resolved into knots, filaments, and diffuse gas whose morphology differs from galaxy to galaxy. Most of the galaxies do not show clear linear structures or ionization cones analogous to those often seen in Seyfert galaxies. An exception is NGC 1052, the prototypical LINER, in which we find a 3 arcsec-long (~ 250 pc) biconical structure that is oriented on the sky along the galaxy's radio jet axis. Seven of the galaxies have been shown in previously published HST images to have a bright compact ultraviolet nuclear source, while the other seven do not have a central UV source. Our images find evidence of dust in the nuclear regions of all 14 galaxies, with clear indications of nuclear obscuration in most of the UV-dark cases. The data suggest that the line-emitting gas in most LINERs is photoionized by a central source (which may be stellar, nonstellar, or a combination thereof) but that this source is often hidden from direct view. We find no obvious morphological differences between LINERs with detected weak broad H-alpha wings in their spectra and those with only narrow lines. Likewise, there is no clear morphological distinction between objects whose UV spectra are dominated by hot stars (e.g., NGC 4569) and those that are AGN-like (e.g., NGC 4579).

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