
(ProQuest: ... denotes formulae omitted.) Given recent discovery and publication of Gnostic Gospel of Judas1 and renewed interest in historical figure of Iscariot, it may be timely to analyze again suggestions made concerning epithet of betrayer of Jesus. As William Klassen has noted, the last word has not been said or written about meaning of this word.2 There little scholarly agreement about what exactly epithet means, despite etymological explanations offered to account for it.3 Bart D. Ehrman notes that of best scholars have concluded that we simply don't know what means.4 It then little daunting to begin an assessment of arguments thus far proposed. I offer here suggestion only with considerable caution. I. THE EPITHET IN THE NEW TESTAMENT The name of Jesus' apostle and betrayer found as ... in Mark 3:19 ..., B, C, L, ..., et al.); 14:10 ..., B, C*vid); and Luke 6:16 (p4, )*, B, L, 33, Marcion, itd: Inscarioth); as manuscript variant in Matt 10:4 (C and l150); and as an addition in Luke 22:47 (D, 0171vid, [f1] pc [l]). It appears as ... in Matt 10:4 and John 12:4, and as variant in Mark 3:19 (A, K, W, Π, 0134, f1, f13 et al.); 14:10 (A, C2, K, W, X, ..., Π, f1 et al.); 14:43; and Luke 6:16 ()c, A, K, W, X, Δ, Θ, Π, Ψ, f1, f13 et al.). In Luke 22:3 it written that Satan entered ..., and in Matt 26:14 likewise is by this name: .... In some versions of Mark 14:10-the basis of Matt 26:14 and Luke 22:3-there definite article, reading ..., 565, 892); if this reading original, then it may be that derivative developments are independent amplifications of this definite article. John 6:71a has ..., though manuscript tradition that here has ... (K, Δ, Π, f1, et al.) brings epithet in line with John 12:4 as relating to rather than his father, designation also indicated in reference to Judas not Iscariot in John 14:22 (...). Elsewhere in Fourth Gospel (John 13:2, 26) name appears as ..., prompting clarification in some manuscripts (John 13:2: p66,), B, W, X; John 13:26: p66, A, K, W, Δ, Π*, f1, f13 et al.). Overall, this appears to indicate that was designated by Hebrew or Aramaic name transliterated as ... and rendered in Greek form as .... The manuscripts show more of tendency to standardize epithet in Greek form rather than to retrieve or preserve Hebrew or Aramaic form. The definite article appears as emphasis to distinguish this from others called by same name, hence amplifications of Matt 26:14; Luke 22:3; and John 14:22. II. THE EPITHET ...: LEADING PROPOSALS Several proposals have been made to explain epithet. The main suggestions that would account for ... are following:5 1. The epithet translates Hebrew twyorIqf ..., meaning a from Qarioth, this place being attested in Eusebius, Onom. 120.1; cf. Jer 48:24, 41; Amos 2:2. The interpretation has been supported by Paul Billerbeck, Julius Wellhausen, Donatus Haugg, and Gustaf Dalman.6 As variant of this proposal, epithet taken to mean a of towns, town-dweller-the town in question being Jerusalem (so Gunther Schwartz).7 2. The epithet Hebrew or Aramaic version of Latin sicarius, meaning robber or assassin, from word sica, meaning dagger. This derivation was proposed by Friedrich Schulthess, using suggestion of Wellhausen, and in particular by Oscar Cullmann.8 This would indicate that was an insurgent. 3. The epithet should be read as meaning the liar or the false one, perhaps ... i, from Aramaic and Hebrew root rq#. This root derivation of word was suggested by Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg, who proposed an underlying Hebrew form ..., man of lies,9 though C. C. Torrey argued for Aramaic.10 This makes it pejorative epithet applied to by disciples of Jesus after his betrayal. …

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