
The article focuses on whether the big bang was really the beginning of time. After string theory made its comeback as a theory of gravity in the 1980s, it was applied to black holes and cosmology. Conditions near the zero time of the big bang were so extreme that no one yet knows how to solve the equations. Nevertheless, string theorists have hazarded guesses about the pre-bang universe. Two popular models are floating around. The first, known as the pre-big bang scenario combines T-duality with the better-known symmetry of time reversal, whereby the equations of physics work equally well when applied backward and forward in time. The other leading model for the universe before the bang is the ekpyrotic ("conflagration") scenario. The pre-big bang and ekpyrotic scenarios share some common features. Both begin with a large, cold, nearly empty universe, and both share the problem of making the transition between the pre- and the post-bang phase. Mathematically, the main difference between the scenarios is the behavior of the dilaton field. Like the details of the inflationary phase, those of a possible pre-bangian epoch could have observable consequences, especially for the small variations observed in the cosmic microwave background temperature. Analysis of the microwave background is not the only way to verify these theories. The pre-big bang scenario should also produce a random background of gravitational waves in a range of frequencies that, though irrelevant for the microwave background, should be detectable by future gravitational-wave observatories. Moreover, because the pre-big bang and ekpyrotic scenarios involve changes in the dilaton field, which is coupled to the electromagnetic field, they would both lead to large-scale magnetic field fluctuations. Vestiges of these fluctuations might show up in galactic and intergalactic magnetic fields.

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