
Domestic violence against women has been a serious social and public health problem faced by contemporary society. This type of violence has grown in recent years, placing the woman not only as a victim of the aggressor but also of a sexist culture established over time. One of the ways to combat this problem is through prevention based on learning and awareness of its causes and damages. The use of 360-degree videos and immersive virtual reality (IVR) combined with serious games (SG) is a promising field of research in the educational field. They have the potential to provide more realistic and engaging environments, enhancing the engagement of their users, thus favoring more learning opportunities. This study presents The Mystery of Pandora, a SG that uses IVR and 360-degree videos to promote knowledge about domestic violence against women (DVAW). The game assessment results suggest a pedagogical potential for promoting knowledge DVAW. In addition, this work brings discussions about the benefits and techniques for the use of IVR and 360-degree videos in serious games.

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