
Abstract E very EFL classroom can possibly become entrenched in the dynamics of the teachers, vulnerable students, and classroom climate. Qualities such as empathy can be forgotten by teachers as stereotypes, prejudices, and preconceptions emerge. Therefore, the development of empathetic strategies and positive attitudes towards language learning among students can be improved by teachers with empathic abilities in the classroom, where the classroom climate plays an important role. Enhancing the strategies related to empathy development among novice teachers may help to create better conditions for care and higher academic expectations. In addition, empathy is a necessary skill for teachers to effectively manage their classrooms. Research supports empathy’s importance in English language teaching as it promotes positive outcomes in the classroom both intellectually and emotioally . It also foments a culturally sensitive class environment. As teaching with empathy can enhance teacher effectiveness, this review paper introduces some necceaary empathy related guidelines for novice teachers to apply so that they can develop their effectiveness in teaching. The results are discussed in the light of guidelines for beginner teachers.

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