
The article is devoted to the created in the Park «Kievan Rus» Museum ofWooden Architecture. The reader can get acquainted with this unique phenomenonin the modern museum world as a project restoring ancient Kyiv («city of Vladimir») in 1: 1 scale.Modern experience supply objective information and historical reconstructions(individual subjects, objects, and even entire urban locations) includeproviding opportunities to experience the atmosphere and the specificsof Kievan Rus in all its fullness. The perfect opportunity to achieve this is areproduction of the image of the medieval city, but not on the monitors andmodels, but as in the original. Experience of the solution to the problem is amuseum complex in the open air - «Park Kievan Rus». Today we can confidentlyassert that the ambitious project of PKR to reproduce the ancientcapital grew to a powerful research center, which deals with a wide range ofproblems associated with medieval history, archaeology, and museology.The author presents the basic features of the museum complex areas - reconstructionand construction of fortifications and sacral buildings, housingand commercial complexes, street network planning and other constants medievalcity.One of the scientific and educational activities PKR is the creation ofmuseums on its territory. One of these new museums - the Museum of WoodenArchitecture. The museum is unique because it exhibits archaeological artifacts, reconstructed models of ancient structures housing, replicas of ancienttools of the carpenter.According to archeological data, the main types of woodworking toolsand their range took constant shape in the X - XI and remained unchangeduntil the XVIII century. The exhibition features tools that can be consideredreplicas of ancient counterparts, their identity is proven by archaeologicalartifacts. The basis of the comparative analysis underlying the developmentof V. Kharlamov. Among the exhibited things can be identified replica tesla,boats, planes, drills, saws, hammers and others.Archaeological studies in recent years finally convince us wide distributionin Old Kiev namely carcass type residential buildings. Therefore, thirdmainline presents the reconstruction ofsome ancient frame, frame layout design method vrubky «v oblo», layoutwindows and roof of the home.

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