
X-ray diffraction studies of muscle have provided a wealth of information on muscle structure and physiology, and the meridian of the diffraction pattern is particularly informative. Reconditi et al. (2014. J. Physiol.https://doi.org/10.1113/jphysiol.2013.267849) performed superb experiments on changes to the M3 meridional peak as a function of sarcomere length (SL). They found that the M3 intensity dropped almost linearly as sarcomere length increased at least to about SL = 3.0 µm, and that it followed the same track as tension, pointing toward zero at the end of overlap at ∼3.6 µm. They concluded that, just as tension could only be generated by overlapped myosin heads, so ordered myosin heads contributing to the M3 intensity could only occur in the overlap region of the A-band, and that nonoverlapped heads must be highly disordered. Here we show that this conclusion is not consistent with x-ray diffraction theory; it would not explain their observations. We discuss one possible reason for the change in M3 intensity with increasing sarcomere length in terms of increasing axial misalignment of the myosin filaments that at longer sarcomere lengths is limited by the elastic stretching of the M-band and titin.

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