
The article deals with the history and problems of the development of the municipal comprehensive school in Dagestan in the 1920s - 1990s. Basing on the analysis of various archival materials, statistical data, population census data, works of Dagestan historians on the problem under consideration, the author of the article reconstructs an objective scientific picture of the development of the municipal comprehensive school of the region for eight decades of last century. The article covers the school network expansion, quantitative and qualitative changes in the composition of the students in them. Much attention is paid to strengthening of the material and technical base, increasing the number and quality of teaching staff in municipal comprehensive schools of the republic. The author considers qualitative changes in the structure of municipal comprehensive schools of the republic, regularities and regional features of their development within the decades under study. The important problem, reflected in the article, is the introduction of universal primary, eight-year and secondary education of the rising generation in Dagestan towns. The author analyzes the reasons, economic and socio-cultural consequences of solving of socially significant tasks of universal education in towns and focuses on the great work of the power structures of the republic in this context. The article also covers the assistance of the federal center in the development of comprehensive schools in the region, including the municipal ones.


  • The important problem, reflected in the article, is the introduction of universal primary, eight-year and secondary education of the rising generation in Dagestan towns

  • В 1970/71 учебном году в регионе насчитывалось 377 дневных средних общеобразовательных школ с 233,2 тыс. учащихся, тогда как в 1965/66 учебном году 215 таких школ, в которых обучалось 137,7тыс. человек [12, с. 205]

  • При всевозрастающих материально-технических трудностях усилиями властных структур и органов народного образования региона удалось сохранить сеть городских общеобразовательных школ и в условиях продолжавшегося роста городского населения обеспечить прирост численности обучающихся в них

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The important problem, reflected in the article, is the introduction of universal primary, eight-year and secondary education of the rising generation in Dagestan towns. К началу 1927/28 учебного года в городах Дагестана насчитывалось 42 школ, из которых 27 начальных, 11 семилетних, 4 средних с общим контингентом 21,2 тыс. Число школ в том числе: начальных семилетних средних прочих В них учителей Численность учащихся - тыс. Расширение сети городских общеобразовательных школ республики сопровождалось увеличением доли неполных и полных средних школ, контингента учащихся в них.

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