
The purpose of this paper is to determine and test the relationship between the variables of brand supporting behaviour in internal branding, among employees and to ascertain whether brand commitment and brand loyalty act as multiple mediators between brand identification and brand citizenship behaviour. It empirically assesses the relationship between the various brand attitudes. The study employed quantitative research approach using a descriptive research design and survey as the research method or strategy. Four hundred employees from the top ten IT companies in Bangalore were the respondents. It proved statistically that there is parallel mediator effect between brand identification and brand citizenship behaviour. It empirically shows the relationship between brand identification and brand citizenship behaviour as well as the multiple mediational effects of brand commitment and brand loyalty. The implication of this study is that the management can make use of brand identification to directly shape the behavioural attitude of employee branding, which is the employees brand citizenship behaviour. Employee brand attitudes, the constituents of internal branding, are of utmost importance to an organisation. This paper explores the perspectives on the four main brand attitudes (brand identification, brand commitment, brand loyalty and brand citizenship behaviour) which bring about internal branding.

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