
Emotional labor exerts a significant impact on employees’ physical and mental health as a unique form of labor. This study aims to explore the multilevel mechanism of multifoci service orientation on emotional labor from the social capital perspective. Through a multistage survey of managers and employees of 31 hospitality service companies in China, we obtained a valid sample of 31 business managers and 760 employees from hotel, restaurant, and tourism. Using Statistical analytical tools, the results revealed that organizational service orientation and individual service orientation enhanced individual social capital, which promoted employees’ deep acting and exerted a partial mediation effect on the correlation between individual service orientation and deep acting. Besides, individual social capital exerted a partial mediation effect on the relationship between organizational service orientation and deep acting. At the organizational level, organizational service orientation positively affected organizational social capital; and organizational social capital positively affected aggregate deep acting. The study results provide theoretical guidance for service companies to enhance employees’ well-being.


  • The hospitality service industry includes hotels, restaurants, health services, tourism, and transportation, which exerts a crucial impact on people’s quality of life and happiness

  • The remainder of this paper is arranged as follows: firstly, we propose the hypotheses of the effect of organizational service orientation, individual service orientation, organizational social capital, individual social capital on emotional labor; secondly, the research design is presented; thirdly, data analysis and discussion are provided; conclusions, management implication, and limitations and future research directions are provided

  • We propose the following hypothesis: Hypothesis 1 (H1): Individual service orientation exerts a positive impact on individual social capital

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The hospitality service industry includes hotels, restaurants, health services, tourism, and transportation, which exerts a crucial impact on people’s quality of life and happiness. The biggest opportunity for hospitality companies to gain a competitive advantage is whether they could offer customers high-quality hospitality services [1]. Capiel et al reported that up to 67% of customers stopped patronizing the company because of the indifferent attitude of service employees [2]. Emotional labor includes two dimensions: surface acting and deep acting [5,6,7]. Surface acting implies employees are pretending to be happy but still feeling negative, while deep acting implies employees spontaneously changing their negative inner feelings to adapt to the external environment. Numerous studies have demonstrated that surface acting could cause emotional exhaustion and work dissatisfaction [8,9,10,11].

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